See our commonly asked questions.
How long do the meetings go for?
The monthly parents and citizens' association (P&C) meetings are between one and two hours long. If you are unable to stay for the whole meeting, don't worry – you are still very welcome.
Can I get something on the agenda?
If you would like something added to an agenda or if you would like to discuss an issue that is of concern to you, or to pass on positive feedback, please email or call a representative of the P&C. You can contact the P&C via email
How did you choose the times to meet?
We hold our monthly meetings Wednesday evenings, 7pm.
What types of things are discussed at meetings?
At every meeting there is a report from a representative from the school (usually principal or deputy principal), uniform shop and the treasurer. There is an overview of what's been happening within the P&C, a rundown on any events or fundraising initiatives. We also discuss issues that are raised by people within the school community, such as allocation of funding, parking and events. For more details, refer to the minutes of previous meetings. P&C meetings aren't the forum to discuss curriculum issues or issues that are particularly relevant to your child, this is best done with your child's teacher, stage principal or principal.
What do office bearers do?
The president is responsible for ensuring the successful functioning of the association so it can achieve its objectives, and is responsible for fostering the fair participation of all members and consistent adherence to its constitution.
The president chairs all meetings of the association and the executive committee. The duties of the president include preserving order, ruling on contentious matters of procedure and assisting the progress of discussion by preventing irrelevant or repetitious discussion or offensive remarks.
The president may represent the association at official functions and act as the association's spokesperson when public statements or actions are appropriate.
Vice presidents
The vice-presidents are required to take on any of the presidential duties defined above when invited to do so by the president or when the president is, for reasons of illness or alternative commitments, unable to undertake those duties. If, for any reason, the president's office falls vacant, one of the vice-presidents should act as interim president until a new one is elected.
The secretary is the principal administrative officer of the P&C and is responsible for carrying out the decisions of the meeting - unless otherwise stipulated.
The secretary prepares, in consultation with the president, all meeting agendas. The secretary maintains a list of financial (voting) members.
The secretary is also required to attend every P&C meeting and take notes of the discussions in order to produce a set of minutes for distribution to members. Minutes should indicate the time, date and location of the meeting, the members in attendance, the apologies accepted, the identity of the chairperson and record every decision which was supported by majority vote.
The treasurer is responsible for the sound financial management of the association. The treasurer receives and deposits monies, maintains records, draws cheques and presents accounts, in the form of a report, at each general meeting. The treasurer presents all records for auditing each year and ensures that the audited accounts are tabled for adoption at the annual general meeting.
The treasurer is responsible for the handing over of all financial records, to the incoming treasurer should the annual general meeting decide to elect a new treasurer.